Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Akomanga Tekau Presents: Children of the Future

Lochlan: Zoe, here, wanted to be a spy when she grows up…

Zoe: And Lochie, here, was set  on being a cyborg. But here’s the catch, when we grow up, we’re probably going to have multiple careers in order to best suit the needs of our changing world.

Lochlan: So then what are the important skills we need for the future?

Zoe: Well here’s Akomanga’s Tekau’s take on it.

Lochlan: I still wanna be a cyborg though

We look forward to your postive, thoughtful and helpful comments!


  1. Hi there, my name is Mahrosh from Hay Park School. I really liked your movie about the children in the future. Your movie reminded me of what I would like to be in the future. How did you add the backgrounds in the movie? they looked so realistic!

  2. I liked your guys is movie.

  3. Hello SFS I really enjoyed your movie because it shows everybody what you want to be when you grow up.

  4. What a great movie you guys have. My name is Deborah From Point England School. Its really interesting to know what you all are wanting to be in the future. Keep striving because maybe you would achieve the things you want to do.
